I enjoy drawing in my free time so like to make 2D animations sometimes as a way of bringing my artwork to life these are animations I have created throughout the past three years most of which are not polished, but I feel each help to tell a different mood or story.
Voice over taken from Adventure Time. I feel I wanted to animate this as the concept is something a lot of people go through struggling with their feelings smooch so they end up getting overwhelmed by them. I designed the characters using a similar style to the show adventure time. I had a lot of fun making this and would like to clean it up to create a more polished piece.

Video Game. I wanted to make the game very colourful in contrast to the room the man was playing the game in to show how people use games as escapism. I used the dojo fight scene from 'The Matrix' as a reference.
This was one of the first 2D animations I made. I chose to animate the audio called "Not Enough Time" by Tiffany Dufu as it was about how women expect themselves to do too much in a day so much so it is not physically possible. I felt this related to me as a young busy woman juggling both university work and a regular busy job in a tea shop to help support myself. I feel although a lot of people from all genders can feel this way at times. This is only a rough animation to help portray my emotions it is not a finished polished piece. To improve I should have added better lighting and made the size of the animation a standard tV size.

Test animation for
For King Of Rome By Joanna Harrison
(movie yet to be released)

Currently in progress making this animation for friend who works on the GTA online server and he wants to use it as a intro to one of their GTA Weezel news videos.

My feet Walking, representing how hectic life can be.

People Dancing
Representing a long distance relationship.
An animation about a very small swan who lives within the mushrooms, whom longs to be like the normal swans however upon facing their fears their worst fears come true. I made this after visiting a park and admiring the beautiful swans.